
Sutor Bank GmbH
Hermannstr. 46
20095 Hamburg


We are pleased that you are interested in our banking platform. If you would like to contact us, please fill out the form below or email us your documents. Regardless of how you contact us – this information is important for us to assess whether and how we can support you:

  • What kind of company is it; start-up, start-up, grown-up, established company, ...? For young companies it is also important to know which team and, if already existing, which investors are behind it.
  • Which business model or which product is it about? The more precisely the economic, procedural and technical aspects are described, the more concretely we can provide information.
  • Which banking platform elements are required? (accounts, custody accounts, financial, securities or crypto-transactions, whitelabel banking, ...)
  • Which license or permission for the provision of financial services does the company have, for which permissions is the support of Sutor Bank required?

Get in touch with us: