Fonds universe
Would you like to change your investment strategy? Are you looking for an interesting alternative to your current investment? Find out more about our current fund universe here.
Rates & Interest
Here we provide you with the daily updated price data for your funds and various precious metals and currencies. And inform you about the current interest rates.
Customer portal
Do you need access to the Sutor customer portal? Have you forgotten your password? Perhaps you have further questions?
Sample PIBs
Here you can download the sample PIBs (sample product information sheets) for our Rürup product.
Investment solutions
Many investors wish to profit from the capital market and grow their assets. Sutor Bank offers a wide range of investment opportunities.

Fixed-term deposits abroad
Tax aspects of investing fixed-term deposits at home and abroad via interest rate portals.
Customer information on FATCA and CRS
Legal regulations on the international exchange of information on financial accounts.
National ID and LEI
Information on reportable securities transactions for private clients, legal entities and corporate customers.
Savings allowance
To utilise your savings allowance, you need an exemption form.
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